Cinnabar Hills Golf Course

News & Events


2025 Winter Series

The Winter Series will consist of 3 tournaments!

2-Person “3, 3, & 3” (9 Holes) - January 23rd - *Completed*
2-Person Alternate Shot Par 3 (18 Holes) - February 21st
2-Person Scramble Par 3 (18 Holes) - March 13th

Points will be awarded for each tournament based on the FedEx PGA point system. Prize money will be distributed for each tournament as well as for the overall point standings (Cinnabar Hills Gift Cards).


Players MUST have a current NCGA/USGA index or will play with a 0 handicap.

Per Person Entry Fee:
Includes golf, shared cart, prize fund, post-round drink ticket, and appetizers.

Field Size:

72 Players (36 Teams) – Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Both partners must sign up at the time of entry. Sign up in person or by calling the pro shop at 408-323-7815. Be ready to provide valid GHIN numbers for both players.


Cost Per Tournament:

Annual Member - $35 Hawk Member - $55 Non-Hawk - $80


Tournament 1: 2-Person “3, 3, & 3” Format - RESULTS

Flight Winners (Net Score) – 1st Flight:

1st Place - Andrew Bowdish and Doug Lung – 33.2

2nd Place - Frank Apodaca and Dennis Politi – 33.6


Flight Winners (Net Score) – 2nd Flight:

1st Place - Doug Mullins and Carl Stromquist – 33.4

2nd Place - Simon Webber and Janice Lim – 35.3


Skins: Net Skins with ½ stroke reduction on handicapped holes

Matt Leslie and Jared Gamble – Mountain #4

Doug Mullins and Carl Stromquist – Mountain #5

Andrew Bowdish and Doug Lung – Mountain #8 and Mountain #9


Closest to the Pin:

Mountain #2 – Nick Starr – 3’5”



Total Teams: 12 - 24 Players
Hardest Hole: Mountain #4 - .92 strokes over par
Easiest Hole: Mountain #1 - 6 Birdies, .50 strokes under par
Total Number of Birdies: 23
Totals: Pars - 58, Bogeys - 19, Dbl Bogeys - 6, Others - 2


Tournament 2: 2-Person Alternate Shot Par 3 - Friday, February 21st, 2025 - 2:00 PM Shotgun 


This will be an 18-hole tournament played on the Lake and Canyon Courses in an Alternate Shot format. All holes will be played as Par 3s.


Team Handicaps will be half of both players' combined handicap then multiplied by 60% for playing all par 3’s.

Tournament 3: 2-Person Scramble Par 3 - Thursday, March 13th, 2025 - 3:00 PM Shotgun 


This will be an 18-hole tournament played on the Lake and Mountain Courses. All holes will be played as Par 3s, with a minimum of six tee shots required per player.

Team handicaps will be calculated using the USGA-recommended method: 35% of the lower handicap and 15% of the higher handicap, multiplied by 60% for playing all Par 3s.

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